Monday 2 November 2015

Good Night Halloween... Thanks for the Memories!

Farewell to this crafty event that is Halloween!! It was such an amazing night with the best of friends as well as the little trick or treat-or's  amazing costumes that kept me smiling and laughing well into the night!

Now that things are beginning to wind down and the house has been cleaned up and the decorations taken down in hopes for a change. We have begun out jaunt towards Christmas and all that this entails (dreams, treats and crafts included ;)). Before we get started into the world that is Christmas, I wanted to share with you all of the amazing crafts and decorations that helped make our house great for All Hallows Eve!

*** Note a BIG thanks goes out to my future sister-in-law for donating many of the non-crafted items :) She is amazing!! (also, don't sorry she got them back all in one piece :p)***

The Spooky house (night shots didn't show up!)
Our very happy pumpkins,
and the first ones we have carved together!!

Best Dollar Store Sign!!

The ghosts are having a seance around the light!
The decorated hallway to set the mood.
Our banners, from my awesome SIL !!!

Even our pictures are in costume ;)
Well hello there Mr. Mouse.
The little mice you have seen before.

Our spooky kitchen :)
And finally, the Bats!!

I had such an amazing time making all of these crafts and setting everything up I can't wait for the new ideas that next Halloween will bring!!

I hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween!!! 

I hope you are all excited as I am to move on to the next crafty holiday ;).


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