Thursday, 29 October 2015

DIY Halloween Garland

So it is almost time!!!! 2 more sleeps!! Are you excited?? I know I am... can you tell??? 

I have been getting so carried away with decorating the house for the Halloween bash that I almost forgot to take pictures... Almost but not quite ;).

Are you ready for this... Since I was delayed this week you get two separate posts today!!! wooohooo

The First tutorial is for a paper garland that hangs from the roof and add a dramatic flair over what will be our snack table :). (note I did not make the hat ;) it was left over from last year's costume) lol. Also there will be so much more going on with the table in 2 days!! haha

Lets take it away because the count down is on!

Your Supplies

What you will need!
-A paper Cutter or a Circle Stamp ( I already had mine)
-Sticky Tack (I use the white one for the roof)
-Coloured paper or construction paper (many pages)
-Sewing Machine with Thread
-Scissors and Imagination!!

Once you have everything ready and laid out, choose the colours of your paper and figure out if you want a mismatch or a patter or the same colours. You can even use glitter paper or clear plastic paper.

Take your Circle cutter and you can either cut out  each circle individually.... I did not have time for that ;). So I folded each piece of paper a few times and got stamping! I had many circles ready to go in just a few seconds! Once I had all of the circles punched out I organized the colours into the pattern I wanted for the garland.

Best Halloween Colours!!
Chain Stitch Away

Now get your Sewing Machine (make sure it is threaded and cleaned and ready to go!) and drop your presser foot and let the feed dogs of your machine move the paper. This is the simple part you Chain Stitch all of the circles you want in a line (this is where the imagination comes in!!! Save a little for later though ;)). You can make a long chain this way or make the individual dangling garlands like I have shown here!!

Here is the Pile of garlands!! :) 
p.s. be careful they tangle easily 
(guess how I learned this ;) lol)

You are on the Home Stretch!!! Now this is where the second part of your imagination comes in handy!!! All you need to do is take small amounts of your sticky tack or tape and arrange the garlands to your hearts content and make the designs of your dreams!! 

It really makes the room more festive!!!

You are done!!! Congratulations!! 
I hope that you love the way your garland looks and I would love to see pictures of them too!!! 

-Happy Crafting-


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