Sunday, 29 November 2015

Holiday Spirit and So Much Crafting!!

Our tree is up and ready for the season!
Hi everyone!! I know it has been a whole week since I last posted and that is super odd for me.... well this is going to be a common occurrence during the holiday season. I am going to go down to one post a week so that I have more time for crafting and getting the house together for the holidays.

Now now don't you feel slighted, this will work in your favour soon! I can't say to much because a lot of the crafts I am planning are secret and surprise gifts. If I give them all away to you now, then the recipients will already know! (The surprises are my most favourite part of gift giving!)

Don't worry, you will be getting a full play by play of all of the gifts and tutorials and the amazing crafts that I have been able to create this year. I know that you will not be able to use the tutorials this year for your gifts however you will be able to save the posts and plan them for next year!! I love planning everything and getting all my ideas into play before the holiday season even starts!!

Even though the previous post tells you that I am super busy crafting, it doesn't mean that I don't want to give you a post! So here we go!

This is a super simple tutorial for a Tree Skirt. As most of you know my partner and I moved into our first hours this year!! (Woooohooo!!!) As such, this is also our first Christmas here and our very first Christmas with a full sized tree!!! Needless to say that I was not fully prepared when we set everything up with our tree.. Well, I have already allotted my time for other crafts and we were left without a tree skirt. ( I know I know I could have just gone to a store and purchased one... well that is just not me!) If I can make it myself before buying it.. well that is the route I will take!

So what did I do? I improvised ;)

I know that all you crafters out there have an amazing amount of extra fabric or large fabric scraps. So do I! If you don't see where I am going with this, it is a no sew project! I had an extra yard or so of dark green velvet and I absolutely love this fabric and we have now placed it around the tree to cover the base!

Bare and not so polished
Gorgeous Velvet!

Doesn't this look amazing!!???!!!
This is what it looks like with some of my wrapped gifts :) Super simple and Super Elegant!

The sky is the limit with what kind of fabric you would like to use. My best friend was my inspiration for this and here is a quick shot of her burlap tree skirt! Looks amazing doesn't it!!

You will be getting a Tree Skirt Tutorial eventually, ( Next year I will have a fully completed and polished Tree Skirt, so just be ready to craft!!

I hope you are all getting your plans in order and your gifts together. Remember that as amazing as the gifts are, it is the family that you spend the holidays with that means the most! Have an amazing weekend and enjoy your time together. Your next post is just around the corner!!

Happy Crafting


Sunday, 22 November 2015

Mesh Christmas Wreath!

The big day has arrived!! The wreath tutorial is here!!!

I am so excited to show you this tutorial! The final size of this wreath is over 20 inches wide so you can make yours smaller... or bigger for that matter!! Just make sure that you can get out of your door ;) or that it can close haha.

Without further ado... lets get started.

- Mesh fabric in the width and roll colour you wish. (width and thickness can vary so choose the one you would like)
-Wreath form - with ties or pipe cleaner
(mine was a 16 inch preform, you can use any circular frame that you have available as well)
-Measuring tape
-Additional decorations or ribbons for details
-Your Imagination!!

Now that you have everything set up and ready to go!! Take that leap with me!.


1.Unravel the beginning of the colour that you want to be your base colour (main colour). 

2.The ends will be a little rough. To avoid the ends from peaking out take the corners and bring them together, then tuck the top so you have a little bulb on the end of your fabric... like this!

Ends of fabric together
Nice little bulb, looks much better!

3. Take the bulb and tie it to the wreath frame. I worked my way from the inside out so that I knew how much fabric I would have left over. After you have secured the little bulb of fabric, turn the edges of the fabric in on itself and push or "fluff" the fabric before securing it on the next pipe cleaner.

Fluff the mesh to make your wreath more full!
Whole view

4. Now continue to do this all around the inner layer of the wreath! Woohoo!! It is starting to take shape Check it out!! Now take your time and don't rush and don't forget you can move and shift the fabric even after it has been secured.

Check it out!! Looks great!
5. Once you have reached the bulb again, secure the fabric and twist it to make sure that it is not super noticeable when you switch levels with your fabric :). Continue on with this pattern all around the other layer!! 

Secure first level and move on to outer ring.

The outer level is done!

You are done with your first colour!!! Amazing job!!! I hope you are loving the way it looks!!

6. Bring out your second fabric and create your bulb to secure to the inner ring. Try to tuck the fabric under the first colour to hide the bulb.
Join the colours
7. The second colour is different in the way you secure the fabric. instead of moving the fabric in a circle (which would overlap and cover the initial colour). Alternate levels with the secondary fabric, moving from the inside level to outside and so on. Continue this around the whole Wreath and make sure that the fabric is evenly spaced.
Almost done!!!

8. Have you noticed how you can still see all of the ties? or the pipe cleaners?? Well that is not very attractive and it does not make for a very nice looking wreath. So your final step before decorating will be to hide all of the ties, you just tuck them down below the fabric and you are ready to go!!

Ties are out
All Crisp and Clean!

9. Now your base is all completed and ready to decorate! Feel free to move the fabric a bit more and make everything symmetrical.

Final tweaking before the decorations!
10. Let your imagination run free!!! You can add ribbon or ornament, you can add bells and snow flakes or snowmen. You can even use glitter and plant stems or cranberries (fake of course). For this wreath I used green ribbon, gold and silver ornaments and the ribbon flowers from the tutorial here!

Not up on the door but you can see all aspects!

This is how it looks all hung up.. Amazing right!!! I love coming home to this on my door!!

So many ideas for the years to come!!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and that you have lots of inspiration for your own!! Show me pictures I would love to see how you have done with your wreaths!!

As always... Happy Crafting!


Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Amazing pot luck recipe!!!!!!

I know I know I promised you a Christmas wreath tutorial. Don't you worry it is coming. The pictures and the post just need a little more tweaking lol. I want it to be just right for you.

So for today's post to keep your crafting hunger at bay i wanted to show you an amazing potluck treat that I love to make and it is always a hit!!!

Image result for antojitos

They are called antojitos and they are wonderful, warm and spicy ( only if you want it:)) tortilla roll ups! 

I have used other recipes but this one is amazing. Check it out right here.

You can add-lib and get creative and add more spices or you can use a rotisserie chicken to add some protein to the mix. You can make this recipe yours!!!

I have made a bunch tonight and am bringing them into work tomorrow. 

If you try them out I would love to see pictures and to see how you liked the recipe!!,

Keep me posted for sure. I hope you feel less hungry after this post. But don't worry I won't let your crafty side starve... you will be getting that wreath tutorial soon!

Ta ta for now 


Saturday, 14 November 2015

Sneak Peak! - Christmas Door Wreath

Heya Everyone I hope you have had an amazing week!!

The weather is changing ( I wish we would see the sun more during the change;). With this change comes the first Christmas post!

I am heading off to see my Bestie for the weekend and get some new ideas and create some new memories!! However, before I leave I wanted to give you a little taste of things to come!

Awesome Mesh Wreath!
Stay Tuned!! Get your juices flowing and your ideas streaming.

There will be more to come!!

Talk soon and Happy Crafting!


Monday, 9 November 2015

The Ribbon Flower - Rose Tutorial

Well hello there! Long time no see!

I wanted to give you a new quick tutorial that you will be able to use for the coming festive season. This tutorial is for one of the fabric flowers I gave you as a teaser before on this post Here!

This was made with 1.5 inch silk ribbon
This was made it 2.5 Inch outdoor ribbon

Top Right
Aren't these just the cutest roses!! The best thing about them is that they are very dimensional. They can hold their own without any leaves or any added detail... However, if you want to add flourishes be my guest!! I am never one to turn down the little details ;)!

Lets get started! These are the Supplies you'll need:

All set to go!
Thread (matching colour is not a must as it will be hidden)
Ribbon (you will need enough for 24 pieces)
*to measure your ribbon, take the width of the ribbon and double it for the length. ie. for a 2.5 inch ribbon you will need the length to be 5 inches.)*
Measuring Tape
Felt Circle for base (or card stock)
Glue Gun with Glue (not shown in this picture)

Now you are ready to get started!!!!

Start by cutting your 24 pieces of ribbon. I was able to use my amazing Sizzix Die cutter to make this job quick but you can also use normal scissors or you can even use a mat and a rotary cutter if you have one handy to make the job go a little faster... ;). Do you have any tricks up your sleeve for quick cuts??
Ribbon Tower!
All Cut and ready to move!!

As it was stated before each piece of ribbon will be doubled the width in length. So if you have a ribbon that is 1 inch wide the length will be 2 inches and so on. If you are unsure of the width you can measure or check the roll it is on the side :).

Remember to measure twice and cut once!!

Now we are on to forming each of the petals!! Please let me know if you have any questions! I am here to help along the way!!
Take your rectangle (if your ribbon is Single sided make sure the wrong side is facing you to start, if it is double sided you are good to go!)

Take the top right corner and fold across to make a diagonal fold. This fold will end up having two long edges that should be equal in size.

*** Tip: if your edges are a little off you can keep reorganizing or refolding until they seem to match better***
Folded corner to corner

Next you will fold this in half so that the edges match each other and so that the corners are matching.

It will look like this once you are done:

All folded and nice

Now you will need to thread your needle with a knot at the end of the thread to hold the stitches (don't worry if the ribbon unfolds a little, the creases will remain and it will fall right back into place).  Once your needle and thread are ready you will take the folded petal and sew the bottom together.

Like this:
Simple stitch across the bottom
 Now you will have a thread that will weave in and out along the bottom. Pull the thread so that the knot begins to pull against the ribbon and fold the ribbon as it moves closer. Once you have the base all bunched together you will stitch the base closed and then bind off the stitch by tucking the thread with the last pass of the needle. (If you have any questions please let me know!!)

All bunched together
Tied off Tight!

Do you see the petal shape now!!!????? I do apologize for the type of ribbon I used. This flower will be going on a Christmas Wreath (Tutorial to follow) and I needed the thicker ribbon. The only downside is that the creases don't show as well with this fabric. As such the next few photos will incorporate a silver flower I did as well!! They will alternate ( hopefully it is not confusing!!)

Now continue the above practice with your petals until you have only one piece of ribbon left. For this one you will do the initial fold and then you will roll the ribbon and sew the bottom so that you will have the centre curl for the rose.

The family of petals!
Now plug in your glue gun and let it heat up. While it is heating up you can sew together the centre pillar for the flower. 

There are 4 layers of petals. Two layers of 7 one layer of 6 and one layer of 4.

The layer of four is our pillar as I like to call it because it will hold everything together in the end.

To make the pillar wrap 3 petals around your curled ribbon and sew the base in place like this:

So Pretty!!!
The base is sewn together.

you can trim the base once it is all together so that the bottom is flat. Don't worry about the height of it right now... It will come in handy soon!!

Now that your glue gun is hot and ready to go. Get your base (felt or cardstock ready) the circle can be as large as you would like. However, make sure that your ribbon is big enough to fill all of the spots. Mine was about 3 inches in diameter.

Now you will begin to place your petals in their layers around the base. Remember the layers matter. 7 for the base, 7 for the middle, 6 for the top later and the pillar you have done already!! Take it away!
The first layer down!

Two layers down!!
Now we are ready for the final piece. The third layer is done and all you need to do now is place a huge glob of glue down the centre of the flower and press the pillar in!!. Press it hard and make sure it stick. Pressing the pillar down into the flower is what causes the flower to make its true shape!

Push hard! (don't rip it though;))
 Now you are done!!! Look at your amazing creation!!!!!!!

What colours did you use?? Which type of ribbons did you use??? Please post pictures and keep me posted, I would love to see your amazing creations!!

Ready for the wreath

I can't wait to see how you do!!! I hope you found this tutorial helpful and if you have any questions or if anything is unclear please let me know!!! There will be many more tutorials to come!!

-Happy Crafting-


Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Take time to Remember the Importance of History.

Now that Halloween is over I bet you think my next post will be about Christmas... this time you will be mistaken. There is something very important that happens before the decorating starts, something so important that without it, we may not have been so merry.

Do you know? Do you understand what I am talking about?

The important date is November 11. 

Remembrance Day.

No I do not just mean November 11, 2015, but rather November 11, 1918. The Armistice of November 11, 1918, also known as the Armistice of Compiegne, was the agreement that ended the fighting on the western front and marked a victory for the allies, the end of the First World War.

As you well know this was not the only war, nor was it the most memorable one to date, and unfortunately it will not be our last. However, it does have a positive living legacy, many actually, but the one I wish to speak about today is Remembrance day and the Remembrance Poppy that has been used since 1921 to commemorate fallen soldiers.

I do not want this to be a sad post or a morbid one, but more of a sombre post with a positive message. In today's world where we have freedom, beauty and the ability to find history at our fingertips, I have begun to notice that this ability has somehow diminished the importance of the devastating and pivotal moments of our history.

I realized recently that each generation changes bit by bit, but I feel as if my generation has been a huge turning point in our perception of history. History. The history of a family, of a civilization and of the world used to be the way that we learned,  We used to learn from stories, traditions and most importantly, we learned from our elders. We gained wisdom from their experience.

I feel as if this has changed. It is hard to see how it wouldn't have changed, with the speed that technology has advanced in the recent past. We now look to the future; we look to what we can do better, how fast we can get there, and what more we can change. Please don't get me wrong, this is fantastic and progress is how we grow as people and as a culture. However, it is also just as important to remember those who helped to get us to where we are today.

Without the people who sacrificed their lives and those who fought and lived to help rebuild our lives back home; well... without them, the world as we know it would be a very different place.

So all I ask of you is to take a moment every now and then and remember. Remember not only the soldiers of war and the lives they impacted, but remember your own legacy and that of your family's. Remember where you come from, because it will help you grow towards who you will become.

This Wednesday November 11, 2015 at 11 am. Take a moment out of your busy day to honour our history and to keep alive a memory that survives through each new generation.

Lest we forget


Monday, 2 November 2015

Good Night Halloween... Thanks for the Memories!

Farewell to this crafty event that is Halloween!! It was such an amazing night with the best of friends as well as the little trick or treat-or's  amazing costumes that kept me smiling and laughing well into the night!

Now that things are beginning to wind down and the house has been cleaned up and the decorations taken down in hopes for a change. We have begun out jaunt towards Christmas and all that this entails (dreams, treats and crafts included ;)). Before we get started into the world that is Christmas, I wanted to share with you all of the amazing crafts and decorations that helped make our house great for All Hallows Eve!

*** Note a BIG thanks goes out to my future sister-in-law for donating many of the non-crafted items :) She is amazing!! (also, don't sorry she got them back all in one piece :p)***

The Spooky house (night shots didn't show up!)
Our very happy pumpkins,
and the first ones we have carved together!!

Best Dollar Store Sign!!

The ghosts are having a seance around the light!
The decorated hallway to set the mood.
Our banners, from my awesome SIL !!!

Even our pictures are in costume ;)
Well hello there Mr. Mouse.
The little mice you have seen before.

Our spooky kitchen :)
And finally, the Bats!!

I had such an amazing time making all of these crafts and setting everything up I can't wait for the new ideas that next Halloween will bring!!

I hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween!!! 

I hope you are all excited as I am to move on to the next crafty holiday ;).
